6 WWE Stars To Join New CM Punk Faction

6 WWE Stars To Join New CM Punk Faction WWE

Throughout his 25 year career, former WWE Champion CM Punk has found himself in the role of a leader in the locker room and in the ring.

From the Straight Edge Society to the New Nexus, Punk has led several different factions that have helped him make an impact across the wrestling industry.

Coming off the heels of his win over Seth Rollins on the WWE Raw on Netflix premiere, Punk may think that it might be time for a new stable for him to lead and try to take over the company.

Here are six WWE stars who could potentially join a new CM Punk faction.

6. Lexis King

When looking at the NXT roster, there are several different stars who have a connection with CM Punk.

Meeting one another during their time together in AEW, Lexis King has been seen going to Punk for advice on NXT TV.

On the January 7 New Year’s Evil edition of WWE NXT, King defeated Charlie Dempsey to win the NXT Heritage Cup.

With Lexis now being a champion, he could use the veteran experience of Punk to hold onto his gold and could become an official protege of “The Second City Saint” in a potential faction.

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3 weeks ago by SP3



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