6 WWE Tag Teams Splitting Up

6 WWE Tag Teams Splitting Up WWE

Triple H continues to shape his version of the WWE roster, and most fans seem to agree he’s doing a relatively good job of it – especially compared to what came before.

However, there are still some stars who seem a little bit misplaced, specifically some who are in tag teams that appear to be on the verge of breaking away and doing something new.

Here are six WWE tag teams that look set to split up soon.

6. WWE’s New Day Finally Splitting Up?

WWE star Odyssey Jones with New Day

Most people thought we’d never see the end of New Day, but a rather large Odyssey Jones-sized wedge is being driven between them at the moment.

Essentially, Kofi Kingston brought Jones in to help New Day out against the Final Testament, but seemingly did so without informing Xavier Woods, who has been noticeably hesitant about having Jones around.

This all comes after weeks and weeks of Karrion Kross planting seeds of doubt about Kingston in Woods’ head, telling Woods that he’d be better off on his own.

It seems that in the near future, we’re either going to get a New Day split, or Kross is going to be left looking very silly. One of the two.

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1 month ago by Liam Winnard


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