6 WWE Tag Teams To Split Up Soon

6 WWE Tag Teams To Split Up Soon WWE

The WWE tag team division was not at its strongest across the men’s and women’s roster in 2024, however, early signs suggest a different story in 2025.

An extra hour of TV time for Raw and SmackDown, as well as the ongoing transfer window should allow for fresh match-ups and increased focus on tag team wrestling. However, in order to freshen up WWE’s ranks, some existing teams may need to fall by the wayside.

Here are six WWE tag teams to split up soon.

6. Bianca Belair & Naomi

With Jade Cargill’s attacker still yet to be revealed, a prevailing theory is that the guilty party may in fact be one of the former AEW star’s closest allies.

Considering Naomi now has championship gold as a result of Cargill’s absence, fingers naturally should be pointed her way more so than Bianca Belair, who was competing in the ring at the time of her partner’s attack.

With Cargill posting cryptic updates to social media it seems that she’s going to be coming back with a vengeance and in-turn may reveal a truth that could split Naomi and Belair’s team before its truly established.

Whatever way this storyline goes its difficult to see Belair, Naomi and Cargill walking out of it as friends.

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3 weeks ago by Jamie Toolan


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