7 New WWE Stars To Join Raw On Netflix

7 New WWE Stars To Join Raw On Netflix WWE

Coming off the heels of the Netflix premiere, fans should expect to see a lot of changes unfold in a new era for WWE Raw.

Ahead of the debut on the streaming service, WWE introduced the idea of a “transfer window,” which allows stars to move between all three brands.

Fans should expect to see stars from SmackDown and NXT make the move over the red brand in the weeks to come.

Here are seven WWE stars who could potentially join Monday Night Raw.

7. Logan Paul

At the WWE Raw on Netflix kickoff event, GM Adam Pearce announced that Logan Paul had signed a contract to move to the red brand.

During the Raw on Netflix debut, a vignette aired with Paul announcing that he intends to become a full-time WWE star and wanted to take this seriously now.

Over on Raw, Paul immediately becomes one of the brand’s top stars who would make an intriguing opponent for several popular babyfaces on the show.

Whether it be CM Punk or GUNTHER, Logan will become a lightning rod that will cause tension with the rest of the locker room and the fans on Raw.

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3 weeks ago by SP3



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