WWE Matches Of The Week #2

WWE Matches Of The Week #2

Welcome all to another edition of my ‘WWE Matches of the Week’ where I take a look at all the bouts from RawSmackDown Live205 Live and NXT (not Main Event because it’s a myth, I’m not even going to embolden it). Also on the docket this week is the ‘definitely not’ horrendously reviewed pay-per-view, Backlash which certainly didn’t evoke the classic “Beat the Traffic!” chant.

Nevertheless, with Money in the Bank on the horizon and a whopping 16 places to fill in the iconic ladder matches altogether, people seemed to be upping their game to get involved. As this list is in chronological order, however, we’ll just have to come back to that.

For now, Backlash… don’t worry, there isn’t a lot to go through.

7 years ago by Wrestle Talk


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