8 Changes To WWE Raw

8 Changes To WWE Raw WWE

WWE Raw has started a brand new era following its premiere on the Netflix streaming service.

While the company’s start on Netflix has seen several feuds reaching their conclusion, there will be some overarching changes being implemented to the show.

From format and presentation to stars arriving and returning, Raw will have an air of unpredictability as the promotion gets closer to this year’s WrestleMania.

Here are eight potential changes to WWE Raw.

8. Two And A Half Hour Shows

WWE Raw on Netflix logo

The January 13 edition of WWE Raw displayed the company’s ability to show flexibility on the timing of the program now that it is on Netflix.

The show concluded after two and a half hours of content. Reports then circulated that WWE feels that duration is the “sweet spot” for the program.

Moving forward, fans should get used to seeing Raw at that length, which will allow WWE to feature most of their roster with less risk of overexposure.

Two and a half hour Raws will soon be the norm and will experience its ups-and-downs as the company makes this transition.

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2 weeks ago by SP3



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