Big E Explains Why The New Day Previously ‘Held Firm’ On Not Having Faction Split

Big E Explains Why The New Day Previously ‘Held Firm’ On Not Having Faction Split WWE

Former WWE Champion Big E has explained why The New Day previously held firm on the idea that their faction wouldn’t have a traditional split.

Ahead of the New Day 10 year celebration on Monday’s (December 2) Raw episode, it has been heavily speculated that Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston’s recent dissension will result in a fiery split.

During his heartfelt article with the Players’ Tribune, Big E recalled the formation of The New Day.

Explaining why the trio were previously against splitting up to feud with one another, Big E wrote:

“People would ask us all the time: When are y’all breaking up? In wrestling, that’s just how it works. That’s ‘business.’ In a lot of ways, from a business standpoint, it’s the group’s entire purpose. You build it up into something, ride the wave, let it crest … then let it crash. And on the other side of that breakup there’s a whole other wave of business. You feud with each other, wrestle against each other, chase individual glory away from each other.

“Then you ride that wave, until it crashes. Now it’s time for the emotional reunion. Circumstances pull you all back together, and you put aside your differences — who can even remember them? — and hug it out. There’s a huge pop. It’s a beautiful moment (reunion merch, on sale now). But we always held firm that we weren’t going to do that.

“First of all … we didn’t want to break up. So our feeling was — why should we? Who cares if that’s ‘how it works.’ Why couldn’t we be different?

“And second of all … wrestling is a ruthless profession. It really is. And at some point, I think we saw that this was more than just a group, you know? It was our careers. Our livelihoods. And it felt like a lot of the people who’d be clamoring to break us up, they’d be doing that from the privileged place of not having to answer the question, ‘And then what?’ Like, OK, we break up.

“There’s some cool moments. But what happens between those moments? And what about after them? Being real, none of us come from money. And being more real … none of us are 6′ 7”. None of us look like Brock Lesnar. None of us at that point were GOATed as singles stars (well, to us, Kofi was — but we’ll get to that).

“So the way we saw it: Broken up, there was a lot of risk. Broken up, the chances of one of us falling through the cracks felt real. But together???”

You can read Big E’s full Players’ Tribune article right here.

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3 months ago by Sanchez Taylor


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