Cody Rhodes Reveals Plans For Deleted Twitter Account

Cody Rhodes Reveals Plans For Deleted Twitter Account

Cody Rhodes made the ultimate heel move earlier this month when he made the decision to delete his Twitter account.

He had explained at the time of the deletion that he intended to move his social media brand to Instagram, but it wasn’t explained what would come of his now deactivated Twitter account and its followers.

Rhodes took to Instagram yesterday (November 25) to explain what would be happening with the account, and revealed he would be handing it over to AEW’s community outreach team.

His Instagram story post read:

“I know some folks are upset that I deactivated my Twitter – but I don’t intend to let a million plus followers just go away, so I’m really happy to give my followers to and transition/reactivate the handle to the AEW Community Outreach Team! As seen already, it’s a wonderful group who aims to do something in every market – whether the cameras are on or off – no matter how big or small, just good people doing good things for each other. Enjoy. Happy Thanksgiving! I love you.”

What a heel!

Cody is yet to reactivate the account, but if you’re interesting in AEW’s community outreach team, be sure to check it out when he does.

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3 years ago by Andy Datson


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