Comcast Xfinity Customers To Lose Free Access To NBCU Peacock Premium

Comcast Xfinity Customers To Lose Free Access To NBCU Peacock Premium NBCU/WWE

Comcast Xfinity customers will soon not be getting free access to the NBCU Peacock Premium streaming service, the US home of the WWE Network.

Comcast’s Xfinity X1 and Flex customers are currently eligible to get the Peacock Premium service with ads, usually $4.99 a month, for no additional cost.

Per Variety, Jeff Shell, CEO of NBCUniversal, stated that at some point, the company will role these subscriptions to being paid during Tuesday’s Credit Suisse 24th Annual Communications Conference.

It is currently unclear when this change will happen.

Peacock has been the home of the WWE Network in the US since March 2021. During WWE’s 2021 Q4 earnings call earlier this year, WWE President Nick Khan revealed that 3.5 million paying NBCU Peacock subscribers have watched WWE content on the streaming service since the move, following previous reports 1 million US WWE Network subscribers had successfully migrated to Peacock following the changeover.

Per the Variety report, Peacock had 28 million monthly active accounts, including 13 million paid subscribers, at the end of Q1 2022. WWE wasn’t mentioned in this report.

We will continue to provide updates on the NBCU Peacock service as they become available.

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3 years ago by Sanchez Taylor


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