Johnny Knoxville Makes Surprise WrestleMania 39 Appearance, Still Hates Sami Zayn

Johnny Knoxville Makes Surprise WrestleMania 39 Appearance, Still Hates Sami Zayn WWE

Johnny Knoxville was one of the highlights of last year’s WrestleMania 38 event in Dallas, Texas.

Knoxville took on Sami Zayn on night two of the show, picking up the win by trapping Zayn under a mouse trap and scoring the pin.

A year later, and the state of Sami Zayn is completely different, as he is now a beloved member of the roster, set to main event tonight’s show in the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship match.

However, Johnny Knoxville has not let the rise of the Honorary Uce change his opinion on Sami.

Knoxville made a surprise appearance on tonight’s kick-off show, speaking to Cathy Kelley, where he made it pretty clear that he still hates Sami Zayn after all this time.

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1 year ago by Connel Rumsey



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