Kane Wins Republican Primary

Kane Wins Republican Primary

Glenn Jacobs, better known as Kane, announced today that he has won the Republican Primary to be the GOP’s candidate for mayor of Knox County, Tennessee.

Jacobs won the nomination by just 17 votes beating out fellow Republican Brad Anders, and is running on a platform low taxes and limited government which are typical cornerstones of a conservative candidacy. Now, Kane is one step closer to becoming mayor during the general elections on August 2, 2018.

The Big Red Machine even hit the streets of Know county to encourage the people of his area to vote.

I don’t know for sure but that has got to be the highest number of traffic accidents caused by people going “Holy crap is that the Undertaker’s brother in a polo and khakis?!” and veering off the road.

He’ll most likely be running against Democrat Linda Haney. This is normally where the most mainstream news likes to whip out the wrestling puns and jokes about the opponents facing off in a steel cage.

Let’s avoid that low hanging fruit. Plus, Haney looks like the nicest art teacher you’ve ever had. I’d hate to see her heel turn; attacking Jacobs with a chair while he talks about fiscal responsibility.

Jacobs obviously isn’t the first wrestler to play the political game after Jesse Ventura and the Man-Beast Rhyno. Hopefully, his career will be more like the former than the latter in terms of success. That is assuming you agree with fiscally conservative politics.

6 years ago by Cody Brooks


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