AEW Rampage Live Results – June 24, 2022

AEW Rampage Live Results – June 24, 2022 AEW

It’s Friday Night, you know what that means! It is time for AEW Rampage Live Results!

Check out tonight’s stacked card per AEW –

  • Andrade el Idolo vs. Rey Fenix
  • Eddie Kingston Promo about Blood and Guts
  • Serena Deeb and Mercedes Martinez vs. Sierra and Laynie Luck
  • HOOK vs. The DKC
  • Jeff Cobb vs. Cash Wheeler

Also, as promised on today’s AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door media call, even more matches announced for the upcoming pay-per-view event!

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Jeff Cobb vs. Cash Wheeler

HOOK vs. The DKC

We see HOOK take a little offense fo once but the match still goes just the way you expect it to, HOOK locking in the Redrum in the middle of the ring for the fast submission.

Serena Deeb and Mercedes Martinez vs. Sierra and Laynie Luck

Deeb and Martinez pick up the win in this relatively fast match that showed off the technical moves of both ladies working in tandem like the Lady Blackpool Combat Club, laying into Laynie Luck and isolating her from her partner (despite dropping her too with a running elbow for good measure) as commentary puts the performance over as “utter domination” as miscommunication leads Martinez to bump into Deeb and Deeb become insulted.

Despite Martinez being the legal woman, Deeb also puts Sierra into a submission lock, tapping both of their foes out in tandem but the storyline remains, these two have very little reason to continue to co-exist.

Tully Blanchard Enterprises unveils the newest iteration of his stable, introducing Brian Cage and The Gates of Agony.

Eddie Kingston/Backstage with Swerve and Keith Lee

Eddie Kingston continues to demand Emmy nomination consideration, thank you very much.

There’s a backstage segment with Swerve and Keith Lee continuing to openly acknowledge they are not on the same page but as long as they keep winning… ahhh so when they take the L at Forbidden Door, I’m looking forward to their feud!



Andrade El Idolo vs. Rey Fenix

Forbidden Door who?

Mi Abuela would be so proud of this battle as these two put on a great back and forth match, showing off the brutal style of Andrade juxtaposed with the high flying offense from Fenix including a very fun double stomp off the top rope onto Andrade standing at ringside.

With both men off the top rope at the return from the commercial break with an enormous Spanish Super Fly as Taz corrected Jericho on commentary from Fenix into the pin but El Idolo is able to get his foot on the rope.

In the final third of the match, Rush appears on the ramp supporting Andrade’s eventual win, after the match they reveal new La Facción Ingobernables tees that Excaliber hilariously says Andrade is such a shrewd businessman, these shirts are probably already available on 

Almost time!

3 years ago by Amanda Savage



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