Matt Jackson Takes Shots At Jim Ross & Jim Cornette

Matt Jackson Takes Shots At Jim Ross & Jim Cornette

While almost certainly playing it up for the camera of Being The Elite, Matt Jackson of the Young Bucks had a lot to say about his detractors. More specifically, Jim Ross and Jim Cornette.

During the most recent episode of Being The Elite, Jackson cut a promo on his opponents for Double or Nothing, Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston. During the promo, he referenced a line Jim Ross had recently made about the Young Bucks being outmatched by their challengers.

Jackson proceeded to call Ross the “world’s worst commentator” and went into detail about why the Young Bucks are to be considered tough. Here is the quote:

“The other day Jim Ross, the world’s worst commentator, hit a line about how unmatched we are against Jon [Moxley] and Eddie [Kingston]. Now, why exactly is that? After all, we are the world-class tag team that’s been doing this longer and at a higher level than anybody. I mean we’re the AEW World Tag Team Champions. Not them, Jim. In fact, last year these two men were at each other’s throats. I’d barely call them a tag team.

Is it because they look tougher than us? Because we wear outrageous headbands and luxury sneakers and smug looks on our faces? Is it because we don’t have smoker’s coughs or heavy accents? You don’t think I know what tough is? I guess I live completely comfortable every day of my life. I guess my back isn’t throbbing and my neck doesn’t click every time I get up off the floor after playing with my kids. I guess my right hand is completely functional and loose coins don’t slip through my grip every time a cashier hands me my change from back in Japan when I mangled it.

Yeah I guess the memories I have of working two jobs, praying my car wouldn’t get repossessed and my family and I wouldn’t be evicted from our apartment never happened. I guess Nick and I have just been handed everything. Didn’t have to scratch and claw our way into becoming completely self-made millionaires. But yeah, we don’t know what tough is, right? We didn’t just spill the blood of one of our closest friends, staining the ring canvas, and putting one of our greatest rivals out to pasture forever either, right?”

Matt Jackson went on to talk about his match at Double or Nothing, dismissing the criticisms of himself and his brother that have been made by Jim Cornette over the years. While he did not name Cornette, he did drop a line about industry-blackballed shock jocks.

“At Double or Nothing, when we beat you two, because we will, this isn’t any other wrestling organization where the two big singles stars team up to beat the tag champs. I can already visualize the anti-Young Bucks hate tweets, the GIFs, the memes body-shaming us talking about hairlines and ages calling us mean-spirited nicknames from industry-blackballed shock jocks. Its all just noise anyway, right? Noise we can’t even hear at this point because we decided to hit the mute button on the world a very long time ago.”

You can watch the episode of Being The Elite in question here.

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4 years ago by Tempest


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