NXT Star Duke Hudson Teases Joining Maximum Male Models

NXT Star Duke Hudson Teases Joining Maximum Male Models WWE

NXT 2.0 star Duke Hudson has teased the idea of becoming a member of SmackDown’s Maximum Male Models group.

The group is currently comprised of agent Max Dupri (formerly LA Knight), and his models ma.çé & mån.sôör (formerly MACE and Mansoor).

For the past two weeks, ma.çé & mån.sôör have performed fashion shows on SmackDown narrated by Dupri, which have been pretty polarising among fans to say the least.

One man who doesn’t seem to mind the idea of the Maximum Male Models, so much so it sounds like he actually wants to join them, is Duke Hudson.

Hudson has been pretty directionless in NXT for months now, but is quite clearly seen as a potential future star, so it seems like only a matter of time before he becomes a more prominent roster member once again.

Check out Hudson’s tweet below – ma.çé responded by linking to MaximumMaleModels.com, where people can send in their ‘auditions’ to join the group.

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2 years ago by Liam Winnard


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