Paul Heyman Reveals Truth Behind Extreme WWE Transformation

Paul Heyman Reveals Truth Behind Extreme WWE Transformation WWE

Under the Solo Sikoa-led Bloodline, Paul Heyman underwent a stark transformation on WWE television and has revealed the truth behind it.

The transformation was at its most obvious when the usually immaculately presented Heyman was being forced to acknowledge Sikoa.

Sporting distinctly greyer hair, being unshaven and generally unkempt, Heyman has revealed how the look came about on the Impaulsive podcast.

Footage of the June 28, 2024 episode of WWE SmackDown can be seen below this news story, with Heyman explaining to Logan Paul:

“Why I did it was because that’s what the story needed. Why I did it personally is because I’m not that good of an actor.

“So we are going to the Garden and we built this and we built this. Since the moment Roman Reigns lost the title at WrestleMania, Solo Sikoa made his play to become Tribal Chief. But at the Garden, it all comes together.

“Solo had never said acknowledge me, we waited for that. So now we get to the Garden, the week before was the first time he held the hand out and I had to put the mic in his hand.

“This is Roman’s schtick, I don’t want to do this, you shouldn’t be doing this. We kept on saying ‘By orders of The Tribal Chief’ and we had that intrigue going on since the Friday after Mania. Who’s The Tribal Chief? Well it’s obviously not Roman. Is it The Rock? Is it Solo? Is someone else pulling the strings? Is Heyman just swerving Roman?”

Heyman would then reveal the lengths he went to get the increasingly dishevelled look, saying:

“But Solo just kept bullying me. I’m falling apart, I’m not dying my hair, my hair is growing is grey, I’m showing up more unshaven each week, my tie is not [straight], my pocket square is crooked, my suits are not pressed. Oh man, this man is falling apart a little more and a little more.

“Now, if I had a good night’s rest, had a nice meal in the morning, got a little sweat going on in the afternoon and I warmed up, I’m clean shaven, my suit fits perfectly, you just feel right walking out there in Madison Square Garden. I’m Sinatra, I feel great. That’s hard to buy. But if I’ve been up for an entire night and a half, or if I only got 90 minutes sleep and I intentionally woke myself up.”

Heyman would be asked if that’s what he actually did for his role on screen, confirming:

“Oh yeah. Didn’t shave for several days, didn’t wash my hair for several days. Again letting the greys more grow in, took the stuff that washes the dye out of your hair so that more greys show.

“I wanted the ageing process for a week to be really defined. Ate like sh*t all week, ate stuff that would upset my stomach. If there are spices that don’t agree with you, I ate those.

“My skin colour was off, wore no make-up, intentionally wore a suit that didn’t fit me as well.

“I wanted people to go ‘Oh come here a minute. You’re okay right?’ So when it’s time for me to say ‘You’re not my Tribal Chief’ and I’m in tears. I’m bawling. It’s easy for me because I feel awful, I feel like cr*p out there.

“Then you feel the adrenaline rush from the audience and you feel, ok, we got them, give them everything I’ve got.”

Since the attack on WWE SmackDown, Heyman was absent from television, returning in November 2024 to announce CM Punk as joining Roman Reigns’ team at Survivor Series: WarGames.

During the interview with Logan Paul, Heyman also revealed his mindset when it comes to long-term storytelling.

Transcript from Inside The Ropes.

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3 weeks ago by Dave Adamson


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