Stone Cold Steve Austin Breaks The Internet

Stone Cold Steve Austin Breaks The Internet

Move over, Wreck-It Ralph and Kim Kardashian. The internet has broken again, and this time it’s WWE Hall of Famer, Stone Cold Steve Austin. The former 6-time WWF Champion has taken to Instagram to showcase his talents. And by that, I mean mime along to Rick Astley’s classic song “Never Gonna Give You Up”.

Why is this the greatest thing to ever happen? I don’t know. But I can’t…stop…watching. Help me.

Next time ol’ Chilly McFreeze here makes a WWE appearance, he better come out to Never Gonna Give You Up with him dancing his way down to the ring. If he doesn’t, I’ll write a strongly worded email about it. Yeah. That’ll show them.

Stone Cold is well known for his badass nature and mudholes he’s stomped, but some may forget his rather entertaining heel persona which featured various backstage antics alongside Kurt Angle. Just another example of what a gifted performer he really was. Who cares about being a master technician inside the ring when you can just mime singing a song and be awesome?

6 years ago by Pete Quinnell


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