The Most Electrifying Comeback?

The Most Electrifying Comeback?

Ever since Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson pinned Eric Rowan in six seconds at WrestleMania 32, the world of professional wrestling has been speculating on when he would pull on those black tights again.

WWE were close to piquing his interest at WrestleMania 34 with a tempting partnership with Ronda Rousey. That never came about and he was replaced with Kurt Angle. Now, however, with Elias recently calling out the ‘Great One’ and fans clamoring for one more electrifying match, the man himself has spoken to Cathy Kelley about wanting to return at WrestleMania 35:

“I can’t wait to get back to a WWE ring. People always ask me ‘what’s it like being in a WWE ring?’ I always tell them there’s nothing like it. There’s nothing like inside a WWE ring because there’s a certain live crowd acumen that is second to none. That was always and will always be the best part of my job when it comes to wrestling. Whether I’m wresting a match or just giving a promo. That connection with the audience, there’s nothing like it.”

Undoubtedly, long-time fans of both Johnson and the industry in general know that the star needs that one final full stop on his career. The Rock needs a retirement match and to go out the right way. The industry owes him that. And let’s not forget, WWE need him more than he needs WWE. The sum per-movie he receives dwarfs anything the company could offer him.


Let WrestleTalk know your thoughts on one more match from The Rock. Do you think he needs that final outing to give his legacy a proper finale, or do you think he should stay away from a ring in 2019? You can get in touch with WrestleTalk and all of your favorite writers on Twitter and Discord today.

6 years ago by Wrestle Talk


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