Title Change On WWE NXT

Title Change On WWE NXT WWE

On a night of three championship matches on tonight’s August 13 episode of WWE NXT, the first resulted in a title change.

In the first match on tonight’s show, Tony D’Angelo defended the NXT Heritage Cup Championship.

D’Angelo’s challenger was the man he won it from back in May, the leader of No Quarter Catch Crew, Charlie Dempsey.

D’Angelo had Stacks, Luca Crusifino and Adriana Rizzo in his corner, while Dempsey had Myles Borne and NQCC’s newest member, Wren Sinclair, in his.

It would end up being Sinclair who proved herself to Dempsey by helping him regain the Heritage Cup tonight.

After Dempsey went down 1-0, he evened things up at 1-1 when the outside parties started getting involved.

With everyone distracted by Stacks taking out Borne, it allowed Sinclair to get involved as she knocked D’Angelo off his stride, allowing Dempsey to capitalize for the win.

Dempsey is now a two-time WWE NXT Heritage Cup Champion, having previously held it from February to May of this year, with D’Angelo reigning as champion in the meantime.

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1 month ago by Liam Winnard


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