Triple H Wanted Former WWE Stars In NXT

Triple H Wanted Former WWE Stars In NXT

Just before he left WWE for AEW, it was reported that Matt Hardy had been offered a role in NXT that would see him wrestle at Full Sail, and also help out with younger talent.

In interviews following his release, Hardy even revealed that there was tentative plans to have him lead a “Broken” stable in NXT. You can read more about that by clicking here.

It has since emerged that Matt Hardy wasn’t the only person that Triple H tried to bring into NXT to stop them moving on from WWE, as Gallows and Anderson have seemingly confirmed they were offered a spot at Full Sail.

Speaking on their Talk’N Shop podcast, Gallows and Anderson opened up about Triple H saying he’d use the Good Brothers in NXT if they weren’t going to be used on the main roster by Vince McMahon:

“I don’t think [Triple H] would have said ‘fire them’ because he told us before that ‘if they’re not gonna use you up here I’ll use you in NXT.’ It think he saw the value in us where we had been and what we had done and veteran brothers and stuff like that. I think that, but who knows? It’s wishful thinking.”

Obviously, Gallows and Anderson were released by WWE in the mass firings in April 2020, and debuted for Impact Wrestling at the Slammiversary pay-per-view event on Saturday night.

For what it’s worth, I would have loved to have seen Gallows and Anderson in NXT. The thought of Balor Club vs. Undisputed Era inside an NXT right is one that is incredibly exciting.

5 years ago by Wrestle Talk


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