Watch The Bella Twins Cook With Gordon Ramsay (Video)

Watch The Bella Twins Cook With Gordon Ramsay (Video)

Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay welcomed soon-to-be WWE Hall of Famers Nikki & Brie, the Bella Twins, to his show ‘Scrambled’.

Chalk this up on the list of things you didn’t realise were possible until they actually happened.

The shows sees the twins tag in and out in a cookalong with Ramsay, who shows them how to make a breakfast sandwich. You can check it out, embedded at the top of this page.

The Bellas also uploaded a shorter behind-the-scenes version, which you can check out at this link.



Bringing a whole new meaning to “it’s raaaawwwwww!”.

4 years ago by Liam Winnard


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