WrestleTalk YouTube Comments Of The Week – Rey Mysterio’s Illegitimate Son

WrestleTalk YouTube Comments Of The Week – Rey Mysterio’s Illegitimate Son

If I read one more “Luke looks different” comment, I’m going to Bayley to Belly everyone I love, and I swear that’s not an empty threat, I’d taken prison over reading another one.

Unfortunately because of the sheer volume of your Luke related comments, I have had to include some of them in the list.

But know this; that’s only because the competition this week was pretty poor. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

On a happier note, you’re all the best and we love almost all of your comments, no matter what they are. So enjoy a feast of comments from heaven, and congratulations to everyone in our top 10.

7 years ago by Andy Datson


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