Adam Pearce Trolls WWE SmackDown Star

Adam Pearce Trolls WWE SmackDown Star WWE

Adam Pearce has continued his apparent quest to improve his time as WWE Raw GM by trolling former Women’s Tag Team Champion Chelsea Green.

Green has raised many issues during her time on the WWE roster, although very few of them have been well received by Pearce as GM.

March 2023 even saw Green declare that she wanted to become a general manager in her own right, stating that Pearce may be ‘in over his head‘.

Recently, Green has taken issue with Pearce’s social media presence after he asked who should be in the WWE Intercontinental Championship Tournament.

Reacting to Pearce seeking fan interaction for WWE Raw, Green responded by tweeting:

“Instead of tweeting you should really be answering my calls, Peahead!!!”

Pearce would catch sight of Green’s suggestion and reveal that he has a new phone, responding:

“You know what, you’re right. I got a new phone.

“Call me (248) 434-5508”

A bit of detective work reveals that the number Pearce issued has been associated with the Rick Roll meme.

For those not up with the internet memes, Rickrolling is a way of getting an unfortunate recipient to unwittingly end up seeing or hearing the Rick Astley track Never Gonna Give You Up.

Green was on to Pearce, however, and had a sternly worded reply of her own for the WWE Raw GM, tweeting a brutal:

“WTF don’t lie to me, Adam! I don’t like liars!”

Many of Green’s fans would offer her support in the replies to the tweet.

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4 weeks ago by Dave Adamson


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