WWE Hall Of Famer Says His Quality Of Life Right Now ‘Isn’t So Good’

WWE Hall Of Famer Says His Quality Of Life Right Now ‘Isn’t So Good’ WWE

A WWE Hall of Famer says his quality of life right now “isn’t so good.”

There is no underestimating the cost each and every wrestler takes on their body to entertain the fans. This is why many legends find themselves in tougher positions in their lives after their time in the ring is over.

Kurt Angle is a man who won an Olympic Gold Medal with a “broken freakin’ neck,” but his in-ring career saw him put his body on the line for WWE and IMPACT Wrestling across the world.

Speaking with Chris Van Vliet, Angle spoke about his quality of life right now not being so good. He said:

“My quality of life right now isn’t so good. I had my knees replaced about a year ago. I had back surgery about four months ago. I have to have my shoulder replaced.”

“I still have another neck, the same surgery coming up. That will be my fourth neck surgery. I really paid the price wrestling as long as I did.”

“I wrestled amateur wrestling for 20 years and then pro for 20, and looking back, sometimes I regret, maybe I should have retired five years earlier because, you know, it comes to a point in time in your life where you’re older and you want to play with your kids and here I am having these surgeries.”

“I can’t really do anything with them. I can’t pick them up. I can’t play with them. I can’t run with them. So it’s a little disgruntling that I’m not able to be the father that I want to be.”

“What I’m doing now is I’m having knee surgeries to have a better quality of life so I can play with them and I just want to make it fast because these kids are growing up quickly and I don’t want to miss it.”

As previously reported, Kurt Angle discussed ruling out a WWE in-ring return elsewhere in the interview.

Transcription via Wrestling News

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1 year ago by SP3



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