WWE Star Announces Incredible Academic Achievement

WWE Star Announces Incredible Academic Achievement WWE

A WWE star who has also been slaving away to achieve a Masters Degree has now revealed her final grade from her history dissertation on the topic of women’s wrestling.

Raw star Nikki Cross has somehow managed to make time to fit in being a History student at University whilst continuing her career as a full-time WWE star, a feat worth plaudits alone.

However, the former Raw Women’s Champion has gone even further announcing that her final dissertation that she submitted in early May has now come back with an A grade.

This incredible achievement means Cross will graduate in July with a Masters in Science with Merit, news that she rightfully shared on Twitter, while also giving a shout out to her Husband Big Damo (FKA Killian Dain in WWE):

How I sleep at night knowing I got an A in my history dissertation and set to graduate in July with a Masters in Science with Merit.

Dr Nikki is coming.

um can we all send @DamoMackle his flowers? My eternal sounding board and the patience of a SAINT! 

Cross then continued with a further message of inspiration to those that have doubted themselves, saying:

After I did my first semester at Edinburgh University, I was ready to give up.

I didn’t think I was good enough or smart enough. Four years later…………….

The voice in your head can lie to you. Block it out. Swipe left.

We at Wrestletalk would like to extend our congratulations to Nikki for her achievement.

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1 year ago by Jamie Toolan


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