WWE Star Returns After Months Away

WWE Star Returns After Months Away WWE

A WWE star who has been absent from television for several months made his return last night.

Over the past few months, several of the NXT UK stars who had been appearing on NXT television were unable to appear due to Visa issues.

Those names, such as Gallus, Ilja Dragunov and Meiko Satomura, have since started to reappear on the show.

Another name who has not appeared on the show in months is Nathan Frazer, who last competed in the NXT North American Championship Ladder match back at NXT Halloween Havoc.

Well it appears as though we may be seeing Frazer back on our screens soon, possibly as soon as Tuesday night, as he has officially returned to action in NXT.

At last night’s NXT live event in Citrus Springs, Frazer teamed with Axiom and NXT North American Champion Wes Lee to defeat Joe Gacy, Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid of the Schism.

Wes Lee is set to hold an NXT North American Championship Open Challenge on next week’s episode of NXT, which would seem like as good a place as any to reintroduce Frazer to the show.

Last night’s NXT live event also saw WWE hold a rare intergender wrestling match, find out who was involved here.

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2 years ago by Connel Rumsey



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