WWE Stars Pay Tribute To Jay Briscoe On SmackDown

WWE Stars Pay Tribute To Jay Briscoe On SmackDown Raj Mehta/USA Today Sports

Several WWE stars paid tribute wrestling star Jay Briscoe after his tragic passing earlier this week on tonight’s (January 20) SmackDown.

The Viking Raiders were involved in the first match of the show and the first of the SmackDown tag team tournament to determine the number one contenders to the Usos tag team championships.

As Michael Cole acknowledged the passing of Jay Briscoe (real name, Jamin Pugh) on commentary, all three members of the faction wore arm bands reading ‘Dem Boys’, the Briscoe brothers’ moniker.

Later in the show, Kevin Owens waged a surprise attack against Roman Reigns by which he even threw him through a table however eagle eyed fans did notice one detail.

While Owens may have run in and run out, he certainly had on an armband throughout reading ‘Jay’.

Later, Owens shared a snap on Twitter of himself in the armband as well.

On Tuesday January 17, it was confirmed that Jay Briscoe had passed away following a car accident in Laurel, Delaware.

While Jamin Pugh lost his life, his two daughters who were riding with him both sustained severe injuries with a recent positive new report.

You can read more about that by clicking here.

donation page has been opened by a friend of the Pugh family to support them and is listed as “the only campaign that has been approved by the family.”

2 years ago by Amanda Savage



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