Tessa Blanchard Promo
WOW starts off with Tessa Blanchard making her way down to the ring. Tessa is the WOW World Heavyweight Champion.
Blanchard comes out to set the record straight. She talks about beating Jungle Grrrl all on her own. However, Jungle Grrrl makes her way out.
Jungle Girl reminds her The Beast helped Blanchard pick up the win. Jungle Grrrl challenges her to a match tonight. Meanwhile, Havok and Hazard make their way out.
Blanchard hightails it out of the ring. Beast comes out.
McLane makes a tag team match, playa. It’s Beast and Jungle Girl vs. Havok and Hazard.
Blanchard is very effective as a heel champ. She is head and shoulders above the rest of this roster so far on the mic. She’s also really good in the ring too.
She is such the right choice for the WOW Champion.
Nikki Krampus (managed by Sophia Lopez) vs. Princess Aussie
Princess Aussie really impressed me a few weeks ago. She was really good in the ring. The question is will she be able to be consistent enough to work her way up the card.
Krampus came out with Sophia Lopez. Apparently, she is some kind of Nordic Beast Woman. She’s also pretty large.
The crowd cheered on The Unbreakable, @AussieWow as she went toe to toe with The Norwegian Nightmare, Nikki Krampus. 👏👏👏#WOWSuperheroes pic.twitter.com/s2iraBxD5k
— WOW – Women Of Wrestling (@wowsuperheroes) September 29, 2019
The beginning of the match saw the story of size vs. speed. Krampus as the size and Aussie as the Speed.
Every time Aussie would gain an advantage early on, Krampus would take advantage with her strength. However, Aussie got back on top with a series of vicious forearms.
She went to the top rope, but Lopez grabbed her foot. The delay allows enough time for Krampus to recover and move out of the way of the frog splash.
While the ref was fussing at Lopez, Krampus hits Aussie with the native bamboo sticks and hits Happy Holidays for the win.
Nothing spectacular in this match. Looks like WOW is going to push Krampus as a big threat after she picks up the win. Holidead and Siren grab Aussie after the match.
The Temptress (accompanied by The Dagger) vs. The Pearl of the Philippines, Reyna Reyes
The Temptress is Katie Lea Burchill from WWE. She comes out with a whip and her partner, Dagger, comes out too. Ironically, she has daggers with her. Seems like those might be dangerous in a wrestling match.
Reyna Reyes comes out next. Early on Temptress works over the arm. She’s trying to slow down the athletic Reyes.
The two have a simple but effective match. They trade amateur style moves and locks for a large portion of the match. The match went back and forth.
What a match!!! @katarinasinfamy @GiseleShaw08 #WOWSuperheroes pic.twitter.com/QRleXMeV3w
— WOW – Women Of Wrestling (@wowsuperheroes) September 30, 2019
Reyes goes to the top rope, Dagger grabs the foot. Wait, that happened in the first match, too.
Reyes was more successful than her partner. She kicks her off. She then hits the Sky Twister Press for the win. It’s more of a 540 Elbow drop.
Reyes picks up the single’s victory over the veteran Temptress. Commentary puts over Reyes as a rising star.
Reyes seems to have a bit of upside, but Temptress has a proven track record. Seems like maybe they would want to establish Temptress as a bigger threat before having Reyes go over. It would have made the win much bigger.
The Governor’s Daughter, Abilene Maverick and The Disciplinarian (managed by IQ Superior, Samantha Smart) vs. Chantilly Chella and Sassy Massy
These names in WOW are something else. It’s like CGW on the WrestleRamble meets Lucha Undeground meets WWE’s name generator.
This match is a match in the Tag Team Championship Tournament. Sassy Massy is Alisha Edwards. Chantilly Chella is also known as Ray Lyn. Both have appeared on Impact Wrestling.
Sassy Massy has improved a lot in her time in Impact. She looks pretty good so far in this match too. She’s already beaten the Disciplinarian in a singles match earlier this season.
Massy had the upper-hand until Maverick interferes. Disciplinarian tags out and Maverick takes control. They continue to work over Sassy Massy for a long portion of the match.
Chantilly Chella @wow_chantilly channeled all of her "vibes" into brutal kicks during the Tag Team Series with her partner Sassy Massy! #ouch#WOWSuperheroes pic.twitter.com/2SOUiYRAOY
— WOW – Women Of Wrestling (@wowsuperheroes) October 1, 2019
Massy almost makes the hot tag but, Maverick stops her. After some more offense from Disciplinarian and Maverick, Massy finally makes the tag to Chella.
Chella in win a bunch of kicks. She hits a massive shotgun dropkick onto Maverick. Massy and Chella hits a complete shot/diamond cutter finisher for the win.
The right team picks up the win here. Chella and Massy were the far better performers in this match. WOW is doing a good job of basic storytelling. It’s simple heel/face interactions, but it’s easy to follow and understand what they are trying to do.
Main Event – Monsters Of Madness, Havok and Hazard vs. Jungle Grrrl and The Beast
These four women are big gals. Beast is an imposing figure. She is very well built.
Jungle Grrrl locks up with Hazard. After a quick back and forth, they tag in Beast and Havok.
Havok and Beast exchange screams. Yes, screams. Havok gets the early advantage over Beast.
In the Main Event…Foes @wow_junglegrrrl and @wow_thebeast are forced to put aside their differences to battle The Monsters of Madness, @havok_wow and @wow_hazard1 Can the two animals of the ring coexist long enough to secure victory? 🤔#WOWSuperheroes pic.twitter.com/nqhhHBGGAY
— WOW – Women Of Wrestling (@wowsuperheroes) October 2, 2019
Even though Hazard is a newcomer, the story is Havok and Hazard are a team and it is in question if Jungle Grrl and Beast will get along.
During a nice series of spots, each woman hits a big move. Havok hits a big sit out choke slam and locks in a Boston Crab. Jungle Grrrl makes the save.
Meanwhile, Hazard grabs a chair and hits Jungle Grrrl. Jungle Grrrl and The Beast pick up the win by DQ. After the match, Jungle Grrrl attacks The Beast with a chair. She continues the attack.
Looks like Jungle Grrrl is gone heel. The show is off the air as referees pull the two ladies apart.
Final Take
👊TONIGHT!👊Watch The Monsters of Madness in the newest episode of WOW – Women Of Wrestling on @AXSTVFights . @havok_wow @wow_hazard1 #WOWSuperheroes pic.twitter.com/s3foEvybW2
— WOW – Women Of Wrestling (@wowsuperheroes) September 28, 2019
WOW is a bit campy and definitely over the top. It really is very similar to the WWF of the late eighties. Characters are a bit out there out times.
You’ve got Australian Princesses, Norwegian Nightmares, Beasts, Jungle Grrrls, Voodoo Queens, Savages, and much more. Tessa Blanchard, who is just herself, sticks out as very, very different from the rest.
It’s a bit of a clash with some many different styles. She needs one or two other ladies who just go by a name to interact with.
Overall, it’s a fun hour, but you have to almost be in on the joke. So far in season two, the standouts to me have been Adrenaline, Aussie Princess, Serpentine and Tessa Blanchard.
It will be interesting to see who steps up to challenge Blanchard.
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