WWE Raw – April 03, 2020 (Review)

WWE Raw – April 03, 2020 (Review)

SWAFT Nation! It’s the go-home show for WrestleMania. Thing’s are gonna get weird, but let’s see what’s ahead tonight.

So we get John Cena again, but how can I NOT be excited for MizTV after they released THIS!

Let’s get on with the show.

The Best of Smackdown

Talking Turtleneck Tough

We get prepared for MizTV to open, but the Usos interrupt the entrance and come down.  Soon they are followed by The New Day who proceed to show off the amazing chemistry the two teams have.  Miz and Morrison come out if full “Turtleneck Tough Guy regalia” and continue the amazing promo-off.

Unfortunately, it isn’t enough to prevent a brawl, but I am excited to see how these teams work together.  Miz and Morrioson stand taller then normal, as they climb the ladders after the brawl.

The Truth

Tucker is up next taking on Dolph Ziggler.  However, before the match Otis receives a text from a mystery person after Tucker tells him Mandy said hi.

During the match, Dolph goes too wild and uses the steps to incapacitate tucker, causing a DQ.

Mandy and Sonya come out to prevent Dolph from committing regular murder, Otis also comes out and finally the truth is revealed by totally Mustafa Ali in shadow.  It turns out, betrayal by Sonya and Dolph ans they sabotaged the Mandy/Otis date.  Mandy, distraught, abandons Sonya who chases her down.

IC You

More excellent wrestling coming up as Daniel Bryan faces off against Shinsuke Nakamura.  Sami Zayn is also on commentary for his match as well.

The action of this match is great.  Despite what many may say about the way Shinsuke has been used during his main roster tenure, he is still one of the top performers in the company easily.  This match between both Bryan and Nakamura is great.

The match ends when Ceasaro attacks Bryan mid-match, and the Artist Collective starts a beatdown on Gulak and Daniel Bryan.

The Time is Now…For 2 Nights

We’re closing out Smackdown with a Cena Promo.

Cena shows now why he was the top dog for so long, why he is the man WWE calls upon time and time again to deliver for the company.  Cena is somehow showing the magic of putting over The Fiend while apparently burying him.  Absolute chills.

And of course, close the show with creepy puppet action and The Fiend overlooking Cena from King Corbin’s Murder Balcony. AND SHIA SURPRISE WHAT WAS THAT!

The Mixed Bag of Smackdown

Nobody Meana

The first match of the night is a triple threat between Naomi, Lacey Evans, and Tamina.  This is interesting having to build Tamina since she hasn’t been on the show forever.  We also get Sasha and Bayley on commentary throughout the match, but rather entertaining.

The match is fairly short, and after Bayley interrupts to hang Naomi on the top, Tamina gets a win with the superkick.  Bayley goes for a handshake after, and Tamina gets another superkick in on Bayley followed by a Samoan Drop on Sasha.  Again, glad they’re doing another build of Tamina and hopefully this sticks.

The Worst of SmackDown

Stuck on Replay, replay-ay-ay-ay

Well, one of the most emotional WreslteMania matches of all time is being replayed. so forgive me.  I’m Sorry, I Love You.

And that’s how they did it

No storytelling, just…Braun is now facing Goldberg instead.

Overall Rating for the Show (From best to worst: Smacknificent, SmackTastic, Smack Bang in the Middle, SmackDowner and A Smack in the Face)

So the go-home show to Mania is over.  I am curious about Mania, and none of us know how this will go.  It was nice getting the Replay of HBK/Flair, as it helped me relive the excitement of the true Mania spirit.  The Otis reveal was great, though I wish it happened in front of people. (If you read my article from February 21, I totally called it.)

The matches, unfortunately, weren’t particularly exciting with the exception of Bryan/Nakamura.  However, the ending with Cena was outstanding and the absolute right call.

This SmackDown was a HIGH Smack Bang in the Middle

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4 years ago by Wrestle Talk


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