Real Reason WWE Raw Star REPLACED! | WrestleTalk News Apr. 2018

Real Reason WWE Raw Star REPLACED! | WrestleTalk News Apr. 2018



Best YouTube Comments Of The Week!

…and I’m proud to announce our new recurring list on The Best YouTube Comments of the Week!

Our team of tireless researchers will be trawling through the comments left on WrestleTalk videos to compile a list of the funniest jokes and most acute insights every seven days. Acute, in-depth wrestling analysis like CrazyAztekX3’s thoughts on John Cena and Nikki Bella splitting up:


Like Ryan Coates asking the hard questions:

Potato or Tomato ?

Potato, obviously. It’s more versatile.

And Cruiseliner’s demand:

Need a new Poll – Has Ollie’s Jacket EVER been cleaned? phewwww….

The smell only adds to the sexiness-

So comment away below to try and get featured in our first Best YouTube Comments article, which will be up on Wednesday.

7 years ago by Oli Davis


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