5 Reasons to Love Wrestling: Ep. 8

3. Indies in the WWE

Like Pennywize said, time marches on, and so too does the nature of the WWE change. Decades ago the WWE laid to rest the NWA and the territory days of wrestling. However, it seems as thought the WWE is poised to bring those days back in a manner of speaking. With new Indy promotions potentially making their way to the WWE Network, is there a chance the WWE is becoming the new NWA?

ICW and Progress Wrestling are close to a deal with the WWE that will see their programming featured on the network. I don’t have to tell you how more wrestling is good for all of us? More competition in the market forces the big uys (WWE) to produce a better product, and God knows we all want that.

Now, WWE poor booking by pushing Roman could be the one of the causes of the rise in Indy wrestling. Therefore, perhaps, four years of suffering through Reigns is going to pay off. All In sold out in moments, the Bullet Club is selling merch like they stole it, and Cody Rhodes is more popular than he ever was in the WWE. While the WWE gives us 50/50 booking, the indies are producing a much better product.

That being said, the WWE has never been one to lag behind for long. The people running it are not out of touch business men like Jim Herd. Triple H is a wrestlers wrestler, in that he eats, breathes, and sleeps sports entertainment. The WWE is evolving and it’s been amazing to watch. The tournaments each year that showcase indy wrestlers keep getting better and help to strengthen the bond between the WWE and smaller promotions.

Pete Dunne’s WWE UK Championship being defended in other organizations is a perfect example of the sort of cross promotion the WWE has shied away from for years. This is an exciting time as a fan as the world gets smaller and indy promotions are starting to ban together to compete for viewership. Hopefully, this trend will continue and we’ll get some epic DC vs Marvel cross-over with the WWE and NJPW or ROH.

6 years ago by Cody Brooks


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