Most Incredible WWE Matches Of The Week (November 9)

3. NXT – Velveteen Dream vs. Lars Sullivan

On paper, Sullivan should have murdered Dream here but that way so far from what transpired. From the get-go, Dream was on the attack, distracting Lars with his jacket and then pouncing, not giving the big man a moment to defend himself.

Eventually, Sullivan turned the tables and things began to go more or less as expected. That was until he missed a diving headbutt and drove himself into the ring-post. Amazingly, Dream managed to hoist Lars up for the Rolling Dream Valley Driver and was about to hit the Purple Rain Maker for the win before Tommaso Ciampa got involved.

This made Dream seem like a credible threat for Ciampa’s NXT Championship and the crowd was unbelievably behind him when he held the title up at the end of the segment.

6 years ago by Wrestle Talk


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