The First Black MEGASTAR: Sweet Daddy Siki

His impact is shown throughout the business today. Of course blazing a trail for black performers, little bits and pieces of Siki’s work is referred to nowadays. Siki was a great friend of Rocky Johnson and encouraged him to go to California where he would meet Ata Maivia. Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson actually mimicked Siki’s boots having the calves cut out of them throughout his career because of his admiration of Sweet Daddy.

Johnson even cosplayed as Sweet Daddy Siki on his ‘WWE Promo Shoot’ Saturday Night Live sketch from the sequin jacket and bleach blonde mullet. Muhamed Ali’s pre-fight prediction of saying how he was going to beat his opponents was taken from Sweet Daddy’s promo style.

Becoming a trainer after his in-ring career slowly ended Siki is responsible for training two of wrestling’s biggest stars, Edge and Christian. Siki was even present in the ring with Edge during his 2011 retirement ceremony on SmackDown.

Sweet Daddy Siki was an absolute trailblazer in professional wrestling. A name not nearly mentioned enough today if it wasn’t for Siki would have stepped out of the typecasted box of stereotypical gimmicks in a fair argument, men like the New Day wouldn’t have had the opportunity to be as open and different. Developing a country music career while wrestling, Sweet Daddy Siki left a footprint on a business that deserves the utmost respect and admiration.

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2 years ago by Muscle Man Malcolm



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