WWE Hell In A Cell – Highs and Lows

High: Becky Lynch won the title

Yes, WWE listened (sort of) and changed course, giving fan favorite Becky Lynch the SmackDown Women’s Title.

That WWE thought they were putting the title on a heel doesn’t matter. Fans have got their way, regardless of how it came about.

I don’t want to be Nelly Negative but chances are it will be a short reign, designed purely to give Charlotte a big “babyface” win at Evolution next month.

One does also wonder how the win will affect Lynch’s popularity. She had received a lot of support not just because she was the clear babyface in the Charlotte programme but also because she represented a rejection of WWE’s ideas. It was the same thing that had made Daniel Bryan so popular in 2014.

Now that she has achieved her goal, will fans still support her? After all, now we have nothing to complain about!


Low: Jeff Hardy kills himself for your amusement . . . again!


Jeff, Jeff, Jeff.

When will you learn?

The man who was complaining about working banged up to the point where he was unable to even perform the Swanton Bomb on house shows has a funny way of taking care of himself.

Throwing myself from a 15-foot cage belly-first through a table would probably not be high on the list of spots I would want to perform while trying to heal up a battery of injuries.

Worse still, the stunt came across as hokey and almost comical because Randy – fearful of getting squished, the poor blighter – moved out of the way far too early. It ended up looking like Jeff had decided to have a fun time monkeying around on the high bars before intentionally hurtling himself through a table. Like Sabu.

Please Jeff, just stop!

6 years ago by Wrestle Talk


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