John Cena Confirmed To Star In Upcoming Duke Nukem Film!

John Cena Confirmed To Star In Upcoming Duke Nukem Film!

It looks like Mr. Hustle, Loyalty and Respect is set to kick butt and chew bubblegum. And hopefully, for our sake, he’s all out of Double Bubble.

Former WWE Champion John Cena has been cast in the role of the iconic anti-hero Duke Nukem for the upcoming film adaptation of the popular video game property. The film, which is very much in the pre-production phase, is still looking for a screenwriter to jump onboard, according to producer Andrew Form.

“We don’t have a script yet,” Form told IGN in an interview posted today. “If he reads the script and he doesn’t like the script, I’m sure there’s ways that he could pull out, but right now he’s our guy.”

Duke Nukem, a video game first released by 3D Realms in 1991, was a 2-D side-scroller where players took the role of the titular character who is tasked with stopping Dr. Proton from taking over the city of Los Angeles and the world using his army of androids called Technobots. The game initially received two sequels, the latter of which (entitled Duke Nukem 3D) saw the franchise delve into the realm of third-person shooters — a decision which cemented the exploits of the raunchy larger-than-life Nukem into video gaming history.

(Editor’s Note: The following videos contain graphic NSFW language. Viewer discretion is advised.)

While it may be some time before Cena suits up and blasts alien pig cops away on the big screen, he already has a clear focus as to how he wants to see Nukem portrayed on film.

“It reflects upon story,” he told Screen Rant. “The story has to come in dead-on balls, man. Like it has to come in told correct, told in a palatable sense for this generation. You can’t not be Duke Nukem, but you can’t make the wrong move.”

He added:

“I just hope development does the franchise justice.”


So, can we expect ‘Super Cena’ to inject a bit of his familiar PG-esque overtones fans of the WWE have come to know and love/hate? What are your thoughts on how John Cena will do in his portrayal as the tough-talking, wise-cracking and strip club regular Nukem? Leave your comments below and as always, stay tuned to WrestleTalk for more info.

7 years ago by Wrestle Talk


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