10 Funniest “So Bad They’re Good” Promos

6. McMahon’s Million Dollar Mania

No one human being could ever destroy the sexual tyrannosaur that is Vincent Kennedy McMahon. He’s the genetic jackhammer, his grapefruits were forged in the fires of mount doom and he has no allergies. However, he is also a grandpa who doesn’t know how to operate a phone and lo, the duality of man.

In one of WWE’s infamous blunders, a scheme so dog-arse that even WWE have no choice but to make fun of it themselves, Vince launched McMahon’s Million Dollar Mania in 2008. Basically, to boost ratings, Vince would randomly call people live on air, and if they could prove that they were watching Raw, they’d win some money. It was a beautiful disaster.

People weren’t home, put Vince on hold, with the hold music being, amazingly, Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley. Vince Rick Rolled himself live on tv, all while getting increasingly flustered and cutting awkward promos about these kids with their darn fancy landline technology. Wonderful.

2 years ago by Connel Rumsey



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