13 Biggest Takeaways From The Revival On Talk Is Jericho

They Don’t Want To Outshine Each Other

A major part of the Revolt’s tag philosophy can be seen in their inspirations. Obvious Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard’s work as part of the four horsemen in the NWA and as the brainbusters in WWF, the comparisons in ring attire are right there, but Dax claims his favourite team were the midnight express, the Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton incarnation.

It was these teams that taught The Revolt what their job as a team was, never outshine the babyfaces. Cash mentions that if you look back to his indie days he can do 450s, but that’s not their job. Not only would the men study the Midnight Express’s matches, but also their babyface rivals like the fantastics in WCCW. They would look to see what aspects of their opponents they can most accentuate to always give the faces that shine.

The final, and most important part of their philosophy is never outshine each other. They’re personally offended when people ask of a tag team “who’s Shawn, who’s Marty?” who’s eventually going to make it. They make sure to never outperform each other because that it what will give them their identity as a true team, and in this regard they’re very similar to Matt and Nick Jackson, and well, while we’re talking about them

The Young Bucks Are At The Top of Their List

The Revolt have made it clear that they’re not settling down in any given promotion right now. They compare it to being just out of a long-term relationship and not looking for a rebound. They’re taking some time to be with their loved ones. Dax his family, Cash his dog. But when live wrestling starts up again, they do have a shopping list of teams to work with.

They want to wrestle the North in Impact, a team with real Steiners meets American Alpha vibe, the Briscoes in Ring of Honor, they want to wrestle the Gorillas of Destiny and FinnJuice is New Japan, but top of their list, are, of course, the young bucks, with whom they’ve been engaged in a twitter feud for years. Speaking of…

They Felt Blindsided By FTR

In one of the most interesting parts of the interview, the Revolt talk about how the whole F*** The Revival thing came at them from out of nowhere. They claim that neither Cody or any members of the Elite had reached out to them before they started saying it.

Cash talks about never having seen Being The Elite, and both men put the feud that they found themselves wrapped up in arising out of jealousy, that they’d been comfortable being considered the best team in the world, and now these guys from southern California were out there stealing the show.

Listening to the podcast, you have to ask, is there actual resentment there, or are these the very first promos in the Revival vs Young Bucks angle to come. Dax says teasingly, “I can’t wait to ask them face-to-face one day”.

4 years ago by Andy Datson


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