An Epic Rivalry Renewed at Today’s G1 Climax Event – August 2 RESULTS

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. EVIL

Hiroshi Tanahashi pinned “The King of Darkness” EVIL in an excellent match.

As expected, the crowd were firmly behind the Ace from the get-go. After EVIL initially took the advantage, Tanahashi quickly regained control and placed EVIL in a headlock. EVIL regained a power advantage and began working Tanahashi’s injured arm.  On commentary, Kevin Kellly pointed out that a match with Tanahashi was like a game of Operation, as there were so many injured parts of the Ace to work to your advantage.

Tanahashi spent a great deal of time fighting out of EVIL’s armlock before managing a comeback, including a Flying Forearm and Senton. Ace went to the second rope, but EVIL spotted him and tossed him to the outside. EVIL threw Tanahashi into the barricade, but the Ace no-sold the pain and charged back, only to run into an EVIL clothesline.

Dazed, Tanahashi barely beat the 20 count, and EVIL charged into the corner hitting a Bronco Buster on the Ace. Tanahashi regained his composure, but EVIL hit a Misdirection Lariat for a two-count. A back-and-forth ensued, as EVIL attempted his finisher, but the Ace managed to escape all attempts. The crowd rallied behind Tanahashi as he hit a Slingblade for a two-count. The Ace went for High Fly Flow, but EVIL knocked him off the top rope, but Tanahashi managed a leg whip on the second rope.

Tanahashi hit High Fly Flow, and went back for seconds, but EVIL dodged the killing blow. EVIL regained the advantage and hit Darkness Falls for a two-count. More nearfalls ensued, as the crowd rallied once again behind the Ace to make a comeback. Once again, several attempts at Everything is EVIL were made, but Tanahashi hit one of his own. He then hit High Fly Flow one more time to pick up the win.

This win gives Tanahashi 12 points as he maintains first place in the A Block. EVIL remains at eight, and has been mathematically eliminated from the final.

6 years ago by Wrestle Talk


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