Crazy Roman Reigns 2021 WWE Stat Revealed

Crazy Roman Reigns 2021 WWE Stat Revealed WWE

Roman Reigns is undoubtedly presented as the biggest star in WWE, and the way the company has booked him in matches this year has shown that.

Roman Reigns is the only person on the main roster to have had more than one match this year, and to have won them all. With Reigns winning all seven of his matches this year.

There is a slight caveat to this though, as Rinku Singh/Veer could technically be on the list too. He won a match at Superstar Spectacle in January as Rinku Singh, and picked up a win on Main Event this week as Veer.

As those wins were not under the same gimmick or name, it’s pretty fair to say that Roman Reigns is now the only main roster star to have won all of his matches this year, going to show how strongly WWE is booking him right now.

Also, Ivar of the Viking Raiders was on the list too prior to Monday’s episode of Raw. Ivar had won all four of his matches thus far this year, but was part of the battle royale on Raw this week that was won by Riddle.

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4 years ago by Wrestle Talk


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