NXT Star Wants To Compete On New WWE Show

NXT Star Wants To Compete On New WWE Show WWE

NXT star Nathan Frazer has reacted to the announcement of WWE Speed, noting that he wants to compete on WWE’s new show.

Following previous speculation about the new brand, WWE has officially announced that the company will be teaming up with X (Twitter) to produce WWE Speed.

This show will feature matches that will run for a maximum of five minutes, hence the fast-paced branding.

NXT’s Nathan Frazer has now shared WWE’s tweet about WWE Speed, noting that he wants in.

Frazer wrote:


I want in.

Frazer notably competed during the a WWE Speed taping back in December, with the taping taking place instead of dark matches ahead of an episode of SmackDown.

It’s currently unclear whether this taping will make it to TV/X, or if it was just to test the concept.

WWE Speed was officially announced during the WrestleMania 40 Kickoff show on Thursday (February 8).

A name from WWE Creative has now commented on the confrontation between The Rock, Roman Reigns and Cody Rhodes, which you can read more about right here.

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12 months ago by Sanchez Taylor


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