10 Pontential Special Guest Referee Candidates For Baron Corbin

8. Bobby Lashley

referee choice 8


As Oli Davis would say, Lashley has been a regular in the Midcard of Evil.  He doesn’t have a match on Sunday and has history with Corbin.  It wouldn’t be in his character to be scared off by Seth’s threats.

From a shock value standpoint, this would be a major letdown.  Lashley isn’t going to move the needle in terms of getting a ratings pop on Monday.  If he tries to help Corbin win, where would the story go?  If he was successful, is there money in a Lashley/Rollins program?  Not really.  If he tried and Corbin lost anyway, the same question could be asked.  Who really wants a Lashley or Corbin face turn and subsequent program.  I give this one a little more likely of a chance, just because of the history between Lashley and Corbin.

5 years ago by Nate


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