10 Pontential Special Guest Referee Candidates For Baron Corbin

9. Bray Wyatt

It’s about time for Bray Wyatt to debut.  Stomping Grounds may be the place.  I do not think this would make any sense at all, but some folks believe Bray may debut as the guest ref.  I just don’t believe it would work at all for the new character Bray has been developing and would be such a deflating way to start him off.

On the other hand, it’s possible he debuts as the sweater wearing Bray and listens to the voices in his head about whether to hurt or heal.  Again, Bray Wyatt and the Fiend seem like another long shot.  However, as Bray said, fear is power.  Rollins has been trying to instill fear in those who want to side with Corbin.  Maybe this style of intimidation is just the thing the Fiend would want to play with.

5 years ago by Nate


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