Kevin Owens Believes He’s Having A ‘Fresh Start’ In WWE

Kevin Owens Believes He’s Having A ‘Fresh Start’ In WWE

While rumours are still running wild that Kevin Owens will not re-sign with WWE and leave the company next year, Owens himself seems focused on what he is doing right now.

In conversation with Planeta Wrestling, Owens discussed being drafted to Raw in the recent WWE Draft, and also the possibility of challenging for the WWE Championship currently held by Big E. He said:

“I really don’t know. Obviously, being WWE Champion is something everybody wants to be so if I get an opportunity at it, it would be hard to turn it down. But, you know, one thing at a time. I just started on Raw again recently, so I am not in a rush.

“I mean, I’ve been on Raw many times before. I actually change rosters every year it seems, so I wouldn’t say it’s a new life, but it’s a new start in a way, a fresh start, and that’s always good.”

Owens was asked about wrestling before and after the period of empty arena shows, and he revealed there’s very little difference.

“I mean, everything is pretty much the same from when we used to come before the pandemic. The fans are really enthusiastic and really happy to be here, so are the wrestlers. So I think it’s just right back to regular business, which is great. Obviously, for a little while we didn’t know how the world would change, right? I think everybody was stuck in the same boat. But from the second we came back in September and showed up in the U.K. and saw how excited everybody was, we knew that things were just back to the way it should be.”

Credit to WrestlingInc for the transcription.

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3 years ago by Andy Datson


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