WWE SmackDown Live – February 26, 2018 (Review)

How would you rate the show overall? (From best to worst: SmackDamn, SmackTastic, Smack Bang in the Middle, SmackDowner and A Smack in the Face)

Dylan Kapisky

SmackDamn! What a week for WWE television. Raw was a chaotic and emotional affair, while SmackDown delivered in just about every segment. We had R-Truth’s comedy, Kevin Owens returning, Matt Hardy returning, and even a contract signing that didn’t end with a table being broken in half! Incredible show from top to bottom.

Nicholas Holicki

While I hated the opening segment which – once again – revolved around McMahon family shenanigans, I’m willing to hold off on making a final judgment until this storyline resolves itself.

That said, aside from Kevin Owens’ return, SmackDown was marked by an glaring absence of any talking points. Especially when contrasted against the madness that was Monday’s buzz-worthy Raw. There were some decent matches, an amusing R-Truth segment, and more of Charlotte just being Charlotte. But none of it felt particularly inspired. (Plus that awful, awful Ricochet and Aleister Black promo.)

So, in that vein, I have to score last night a Smack Bang in the Middle.


Kyle Payne

SmackTastic once again! If you’re the viewer who only enjoys watching the wrestling part, you’ll be happy. If you like storyline progression, you’ll be happy. Seriously, it was a great show. Tag team matches were aplenty and all good with their own strengths. The triple threat match was the highlight for me with every member of the match having ample time to shine and the finish was the right one.

It’s nice to see Truth get this respect from the company and the opportunity to shine. Matt’s return was a welcome surprise and he looked good teaming with his brother once again. Owens’ return was also great and the seeds being planted for Bryan vs. Kofi and Orton vs. Styles for WrestleMania is very, very exciting.

The show wasn’t perfect with some questionable finishes in my opinion and Asuka once again has been overshadowed by Rousey. That’s upsetting.

Nate Craver

SmackTastic. We got the return of the Hardys in North Carolina. We got a great triple threat with an unexpected answer to an open challenge. It looks like WWE is not going to keep pushing DIY on the main roster as a tag team. There was a good main event with a Stone Cold Stunner. Kevin OWENS is back. While I don’t like the Kofi angle short term, it might be better long term for WrestleMania.

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5 years ago by Nicholas Holicki


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