What Went Wrong With WWE Championship Belts?

What Went Wrong With WWE Championship Belts?

Remember the WWE Winged Eagle Championship belt? Remember the Intercontinental Championship belt with the white leather strap? I know I do.

Those were belts that I would have really wanted to win. Not only do they look great, but they actually look like something people would fight to have strapped around their waists.

Aside from the NXT UK Championship belts and the North American Championship belt, WWE hasn’t put out a good looking belt in over a decade.

Both the men and women’s main roster top championships look like horrible keyrings with a gaudy vajazzle, and all they are is just the company logo on a different coloured background. That’s not a championship belt, that’s the result of a Grade 5 craft competition in which the kids were given the WWE logo and some colourful fabrics.

The NXT belts are exactly the same. Just a big logo.

You can actually feature your logo on your belts and have them look good. They did that with NXT UK, so why can’t you get those designers over to America to make some more?

The 24/7 Championship looks like a rusty hubcap, the tag belts are so boring they get swapped between teams just because they’ve been drafted, and the recent redesigns of the IC and United States belts, while not bad, were completely pointless.

I know WWE is basically and online store which also does wrestling these days. Otis only won the MITB briefcase so they could sell a sodding lunchbox, but I promise you people will still buy replica belts, even if they don’t have massive logos on them.

It all went properly downhill with the introduction of the monstrosity that was the WWE Championship spinning belt made famous by John Cena. WWE realised that the majority of their audience was kids, so they made a belt that had a spinny middle, and that was job done.

Honestly, you can’t blame them for trying to appeal to their audience, but I’m only 25 and therefore still a child, and if you gifted my a WWE spinning championship belt, I’d have to put your life in danger by putting you in a match with Nia Jax.

Remember how awesome the Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin looked while holding those championship belts? It feels like the reason people call them titles these days is because the only thing that matters is the title of “WWE Champion” or “WWE Women’s Champion”, so we don’t have to associate it with the pieces of garbage they strap around their waists.

Now, I might just be grumpy and a bit tired, but if anyone tells me that the current design is better than the designs of the 80s, 90s and early 2000s, then I may have to scream.

Oh well, at least it’s not the atrocity that was the Divas Butterfly Championship.

I want this.

I don’t want this.

That’s it, really.

Want your titles to be prestigious? Make them look prestigious.

What are your thoughts on the above story? Let us know in the comments on Twitter or Facebook.

4 years ago by Andy Datson


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