WrestleTalk Roundtable – WWE Raw – December 17, 2018

How would you rate the show overall? (From best to worst: In Awe, Cor, AvRAWge, Poor and Bore)

Eric Stites

This show was pretty dull in my opinion. Not much really happened. I think they did an okay job of following up with all of the angles that happened Sunday at TLC but I don’t think they did a great job. The wrestling last night was decent for the most part.  Although there were some things that happened on this show that I did not like, none of it made me question why I became a wrestling fan. I think this Raw was Averawge.

Steven Lugo

AveRAWge. This is better than Raw has been, due mostly to anticipation and the excitement caused by Vince’s return. However, the show wasn’t all that new or improved. Every time something big happened, like Corbin taking a beating, or the women’s match being announced, it was because one of the McMahons jumped on their white horse, and was the catalyst. I don’t tune in to see them. As a fan, I don’t want or need to be told that I’m ‘the Authority.’ I’ve seen what is done to on-air authority. I just want an enjoyable show that makes more sense.

Image result for rousey vs natalya

JP Wood

High Cor – This week’s Raw was well above average but wasn’t a perfect show, by any means. I thought that with the exception of a bit of drag in the first and last segments of the night, though, it was better than last week. That, itself, was miles better than the week before. It looks like WWE is putting a genuine effort into making changes. We’ll see how long that lasts.

Kyle Payne

I’m going to give the show a Cor rating because I’m optimistic that the changes the company announced are actually coming. If I didn’t have this hope, it would be a low AveRAWge because it was more of the same. The opening segment was way too long and using Corbin as the scapegoat for the low Raw ratings wasn’t nice.

The show needed a strong angle to build hype for next week, and it didn’t have it. The women’s gauntlet was good. I liked there was actual meaning for winning it, but the show needed a strong angle. I kept watching the aftermath expecting a heel turn from Rousey or Natalya (once I saw there would be no other segment) but nothing happened. Very anticlimactic.

So those were our feelings about last night’s Raw. But more important are your thoughts. Share them with us in the comments below. Reach out to WrestleTalk on Twitter, and join the conversation with the entire team on Discord.

5 years ago by Nate


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