Impact Review – May 10th 2018

Their Performance is LAX-ing

Andrew Everett & DJZ defeated LAX in the first match of the night.

As predicted, the match had a good X-Division style pace and was a great way to kick off the show. The X-Division stars need to be used like this more often, a high energy start goes a long way to engaging people for the next hour and a half of wrestling.

As soon as I realized that Josh Mathews would be commenting alone for tonight show, I made the executive decision to mute the audio during matches. I may have missed something, but Mathews rarely says anything worth hearing.

LAX keep loosing, and I’m not really sure what they are leading to. It’s obvious that the lack of Konnan in their corner is the cause, but more than anything I’m wondering where this is going to go next?

6 years ago by Wrestle Talk


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