The GREATEST Match Announcement Video Of All Time?

The GREATEST Match Announcement Video Of All Time?

The incredible video above was posted on Twitter by independent wrestling star Joey Janela yesterday to announce a match at his upcoming WrestleMania weekend super-show Joey Janela’s Spring Break 2.

The vid (which was made by the truly brilliant @WrestlingArcade) is an homage to classic video game Streets of Rage, featuring 16-bit versions of Scott Hall, Glacier, and Marty Jannetty battling Jim Cornette, Virgil, Clowns R’ Us (from Survivor Series ’94) and Brutus Beefcake’s Barber Shop/Ship (complete with cameo from Shawn Michaels). The characters completing the stage reveals a match announcement for Spring Break 2

Last year’s event was one of the most entertaining of the weekend, featuring unique match-ups such as a clash between former UFC stars Matt Riddle and Dan Severn, and a comedy gimmick battle royal that included appearances from Dink the Clown, Glacier and Earl Hebner.

This year’s event (which takes place on April 6 at Pontchartrain Convention & Civic Center promoted by Game Changer Wrestling) is upping the stakes. As seen at the end of the video, chop-happy Austrian bruiser WALTER will meet former WWF Tag Team Champion Pierre Carl Ouellet (once known as Jean Pierre Lafitte) at the show, adding to a card that already has the tantalizing prospect of David Starr vs. Mike Quackenbush.

Full marks to Janela for creating perhaps the most unique and entertaining match announcement in wrestling history!

7 years ago by Wrestle Talk


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