WWE WrestleMania 40 Weekend Championship Rematch Announced

WWE WrestleMania 40 Weekend Championship Rematch Announced WWE

A rematch from the April 6 WWE NXT Stand & Deliver event during WrestleMania weekend has now been announced.

NXT Stand & Deliver opened with Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin taking on Nathan Frazer & Axiom for the NXT Tag Team Championships.

Highlights from the match can be seen below this news story, with the team of Breakker & Corbin retaining the titles.

WWE NXT General Manager Ava has confirmed that a rematch will take place on the April 9 episode of NXT.

It all started with backstage footage appearing on the NXT_Anonymous Twitter account seeing Frazer asking for another shot at the titles.

Reacting to the footage, which can also be seen below, Frazer tweeted:

“Didn’t plan on this conversation being made public, but now that it is…

“What do you say @avawwe_?”

Axiom would chip in, asking for a second chance in a tweet that read:

“We were so close, but surely we deserve another chance?


“@avawwe_ what do you say?”

Ava would clearly be swayed by the approach, setting the rematch in her own tweet:

“well … you guys started stand & deliver off with a bang so i’m all for you having another chance 🤨

“and you’ll get your rematch against bron & baron for the tag titles tomorrow on @WWENXT


“👩🏽‍🍳 ava”

Ava also announced a new title for the brand at Stand & Deliver, with the first NXT Women’s North American Champion being crowned “soon”.

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10 months ago by Dave Adamson


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