WWE SmackDown Live – April 2, 2019 (Review)

Overall Rating (From best to worst: SmackDamn, SmackTastic, Smack Bang in the Middle, SmackDowner and A Smack in the Face)

I honestly love SmackDown. I feel like I need to remind myself of that fact now more than ever, because this episode really put that belief to the test.

It started hot with another tense exchange between AJ and Orton, but quickly devolved into a smorgasbord of mediocrity. Miz’s feud with Shane wasn’t advanced in any meaningful way, Becky’s brief appearance actually put out some of the heat coming out of that insane brawl on Raw, and throwing half the roster into a meaningless mixed tag match was one of the most uninspired booking decisions I’ve seen this year.

It almost felt as if SmackDown’s creative team wrote down a bunch of little ideas, loaded them into a shotgun, and fired them at a cork board to see what stuck. Either that or they relied on the old South Park ‘manatees loading idea balls down a tube’ trick.


In the result, nothing felt connected. Nothing felt like it was leading anywhere. It was all just so meaningless. And although the excellent contract signing between Kofi and Bryan elevated this show towards the end, by then it was too late.

For all those reasons, SmackDown this week was a SmackDowner.

Good luck, Kofi.

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5 years ago by Nicholas Holicki


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