10 Best WWE Finishers

4. Lumbar Check – Cedric Alexander


From Mr. Anti-205 Live to the living embodiment of the show. Current WWE Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander simply bleeds purple. His athletic ability is second-to-none and he has all the tools in his arsenal to showcase that.

His finisher is a thing of beauty, especially when he pulls it out of thin air like when he reversed Kalisto’s Salida del Sol into his Lumbar Check. It also helps that everyone he hits with it weighs under 205lbs so they almost always go flying upon rebound. Not only does it look awesome but my back stiffens every time it’s landed. What more could you want from something that’s meant to look painful than making your audience feel it too?


3. Coup de Grâce – Finn Bálor

Honestly, I’m not that partial to Finn Bálor top-rope stomp. It has always slightly got to me that someone with his talent and athletic ability doesn’t do something a little more creative. That’s not to say the Coup de Grâce isn’t unique because it is. But those elements do not play into why the ‘Demon King’s match-ender has grabbed the bronze medal on this list.

What got it here is that out of every single wrestling finisher I have ever seen, this is the one that terrifies me the most. This is the one that, done wrong, would lead to certain death and I applaud all those who lie down and take it. Even more so when he stalls the landing. That’s why it’s here. Pure fear.

6 years ago by Wrestle Talk


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